What is the deal with women saying "I was born to be a mother" or some other variation?
That is complete bullshit.
You were born to be a person and live your life. If you happen to be a mother, great, the human race has to continue on. But think about it for a second, be honest, and admit that you have been conditioned to think that motherhood is the only and highest serving a woman can have. Give me a fucking break. Women need to support each other, and mothers need to support each other, not only as mother to mother, but as woman to woman, as person to person, as employee to employee. Expand your damn horizons and viewpoints!
I am so fed up with people and society right now. God people are stupid. As a whole, people are idiots. I'm sick of politics, opinions based on inadequate and thoughtless lack of information, bigotry, asinine pride, senseless morals, malice toward other people, it's all wrong.
On an unrelated note, but still ranting, I am broken. I'm still bleeding (8 weeks now), had an ultrasound, the original cyst is apparently gone but two more have shown up. Still haven't been called back from the doctor. Doesn't matter, he'll tell me there's nothing to do anyway. I would have been so much more ok with this if he had told me that this was expected, but not a word. I think that's about 50% of why I'm so pissed off about it. Let me tell you, it is seriously making me question whether or not to reproduce. It would be so easy to just have a hysterectomy. Finally was able to pin Husband down on how much he really wants a kid. He really wants one. Not at the expense of me or our relationship, but if we can, then definitely. And that's fine. I want one too. I think. Anyway, back to ranting, still bleeding, constant cramps, old pain is starting to come back, it's all infuriating.
On top of that, I can't walk half the time because of my sciatica. Literally can not walk. It's painful, numb, tingly, weak and did I mention painful? Working out is supposed to help but how can you work out when you can't move? Doesn't matter, trying to strengthen my core, have to work through the pain eh.
Because no one cares. Everyone has something wrong with them and everyone complains about it and no one listens. And no one likes a complainer. So I'm ranting right now, getting it all out, and then I will shut up. I will smile and be happy because I am happy. I have a wonderful life, and I have an opportunity to prove to myself how strong of a person I am. So here I go.
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