Sunday, September 2, 2012


My how plans change.  And this is why I try not to tell people too much about them because eating your words is never fun.  No more Arizona.  We're going to try and move back to the West side of the state near Husband's parents/family as soon as he graduates at the end of March.  He'll almost definitely get a job immediately, but we'll play it by ear [what kind of a phrase is that?  Our idioms...].  We're going to try our hardest to buy a house as soon as possible.  I love all the options for first time home buyers, it's nice there's a little help out there, what 20-somethings have $20K lying around for a down payment?  Silly.

So now the only thing I've been thinking about and researching is buying a house and all things related.  It'll be so amazing to have a yard for the dogs, it'll be nice to have a place that's ours.

School's been placed on hold.  There's no way we'd qualify for a loan with just one of us working.  So I'll go back in two or three years.  For about a week I was heartbroken because I just knew that I'd never go back but damn it, I'm determined, so I will go.  Husband's pushing me to get a job as a branch manager since the pay is similar, and thinks I can get one as soon as we move over in eight months.  He really doesn't get it.  At all.  Ah well, he'll learn.

And then eventually a kid!  Probably.  We sat and talked about it the other night, all of our plans and hopes and the house and school and a kid and we're very much on the same page which is great.

Had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago.  The original cyst is completely gone (good news!) but a couple of new ones popped up (bad news!).  We'll see what happens.  Still bleeding (11.5 weeks) so I'm still keeping an eye on that.  Pretty sure it's moved to my intestines which is making for not very pleasant symptoms.  Boo.

I'm rushing this post because I really felt the need to post, but I really need to feed my dogs.  So this is what you get for now.

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